Saturday, June 14, 2014

with a friends like this, who needs satan?

i haven't laughed like this in a long time. thank you, viral brothers, thank you.
go ahead and watch them all, cause they just get worse and worse.

this has got to be one of the dumbest/manliest ways to catch a rabbit.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

asian dads

this is not at all like my father, but it's still damn funny

white people be cray cray (NSFW - language)

the irony in what she is saying palatable.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

prestige worldwide!

so a friend of mine from work is friends speech, the lead singer for arrested development (famous for tennessee, mr. wendel, everyday people, etc..). i got an opportunity to maybe be in one of his music videos for their newly released album "splash".

i hung out at speech's house for an entire afternoon, met his family and friends, who were all so gracious and welcoming. so check it out! pay attention around the 2.20 mark.

also, the reason i might look like all unfriendly and washed out was because i was looking directly into the setting sun and the director told me not to smile. but hey I"M IN A MUSIC VIDEO, SUCKAS!