Thursday, December 13, 2012

henson, rand, nolan, and ono....the all-star team of the 70s

after all the pics, there is a link to a conversation bw jim henson, ayn rand, yoko ono, and sidney nolan in 1976. it was done over ARPANET, which was the precursor to what we know as the internet.

it's really amazing to see the interaction of 4 of the most iconic figures of the 70s and beyond, interacting with one another. jim henson comes off as pretty awesome, esp when dealing with ayn rand. nolan is kinda douchey, and ono is the opposite kinda of idiot as nolan.

and rand is so far up her own ass, she can't see straight.

brought joy to millions

brought a ridiculous idea to millions

just kinda douchey  

same with her

click for jim henson putting the smack down on ayn rand


  1. This was amazing... It concreted everything I love about Henson, and it didn't disuade me from my enjoyment of Ono.

  2. indeed. henson comes off as the most real person of this group
