Friday, August 24, 2012

top 10 diet myths

i might have posted this a while ago, but it needs reiterating. all those celebrity diets, new age eating crap, are all de-bunked here, and backed up with actual research, not just anecdotal evidence. i have posted all the myths, click on the link to see the article:

calling out bullshit clicky

myth 1: Eat frequently to "stoke the metabolic fire".

myth 2: Eat smaller meals more often for hunger control.

myth 3:  Eat small meals to keep blood sugar levels under control.

myth 4: Fasting tricks the body into "starvation mode".

myth 5: Maintain a steady supply of amino acids by eating protein every 2-3 hours. The body can only absorb 30 grams of protein in one sitting.

myth 6: Fasting causes muscle loss.

myth 7: Skipping breakfast is bad and will make you fat.

myth 8: Fasting increases cortisol.

myth 9: Fasted training sucks. You'll lose muscle and have no strength.

myth 10: "Eat breakfast like a king, lunch a queen, dinner like a pauper."

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