Thursday, June 28, 2012

the master and his teacher

i blogged this ages ago, but thought of it again recently. and i want to share it with all of you fine folks. this is a fred astaire in "the band wagon" with mj's smooth criminal over it.

you can really see where mj gets the basis of his moves and style. and holy crap is cyd charisse smoking hawt. i think her legs are about 90% of her body. also pretty damn amazing is how she can dance just like astaire but in 6 INCH HEELS. impressive.

you don't get to see the entire slide that blonde chick does in the subway station. it's one of my favorite parts, so here it is in all of its slide-y graceful gloriousness.

also, lets just take a second and recognize that i started those videos where i wanted them to. i'm like a hacker!

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